Latest versions now available of Aspern Essling 1809, Marengo 1800, DB Fleet Action, DB Colonial, DB AWI, Rommels Battles and DB ACW (these are only minor additions and amendments).
Also for you, two new free downloads DB Crimea and Sokolnitz 1805
(DB Crimea is an easy supplement to DBN and can be played using your Russian & British Napoleonic units. Only thing new needed is 'Redoubts'. Look a last 3 pictures in the 'Gallery')
Quatre Bras 1815 and DB7YW have been updated in 'Free Downloads'
Various Scenarios have been upgraded in 'Free Downloads'
Latest versions now available of Aspern Essling 1809, Marengo 1800, DB Fleet Action, DB Colonial, DB AWI, Rommels Battles and DB ACW (these are only minor additions and amendments).
Also for you, two new free downloads DB Crimea and Sokolnitz 1805
(DB Crimea is an easy supplement to DBN and can be played using your Russian & British Napoleonic units. Only thing new needed is 'Redoubts'. Look a last 3 pictures in the 'Gallery')
Quatre Bras 1815 and DB7YW have been updated in 'Free Downloads'
Various Scenarios have been upgraded in 'Free Downloads'
DBACW. New and extended Play Sheet, Army Lists and Sample Armies can be found in 'Free Downloads'
DBACW. New and extended Play Sheet, Army Lists and Sample Armies can be found in 'Free Downloads'
For DBN rule clarity. Replace this Para:
8.22 Attack Column Factors. Both Units in the Attack Column must be of the same nation but may be of different classes. The class of the lead unit is used for the Attack Column Combat Factor, however this can only be one higher than its support, e.g. an Attack Column composed of a lead unit of Regular Muskets and a unit of Militia Muskets behind has a basic Combat Factor of +4, whereas that of a leading Elite Muskets unit and Militia Muskets behind would be a basic +4.
When an Attack Column is ‘beaten by double or more’ in Close Combat, then both units of the involved Attack Column are destroyed, not if as a result of recoiling. The French were the best at Attack Columns between the period of 1805 to 1812, this is reflected in the rules by giving French Attack columns an extra +1 in Close Combat.
'beaten by double' has replaced 'Destroyed'.
In Appendix A, insert for Austrians:
Rule 11.14
Attack Column Formation. Gives -1 to dice throw
in 1809 only.
This is an Optional Rule and reflects the new Austrian tactic, developed for 1809 by Arch Duke Charles of 'Mass Column' as a defence against cavalry when infantry are in the Attack. This tactic fell out of favour when Charles retired at the end of 1809.
Austrian Cavalry was of a consistent good quality and well disciplined, but had no Elite class Cavalry.
Therefore as a Points Game Rule, insert into Appendix A : one in three Austrian LC are Superior from 1800-14.
Rule Clarification. 7.6 Movement in Bad Going . insert 'in Bad Going' after the words 'However Formations'
This clarification is made with thanks to our Spanish wargame friends.
For DBN rule clarity. Replace this Para:
8.22 Attack Column Factors. Both Units in the Attack Column must be of the same nation but may be of different classes. The class of the lead unit is used for the Attack Column Combat Factor, however this can only be one higher than its support, e.g. an Attack Column composed of a lead unit of Regular Muskets and a unit of Militia Muskets behind has a basic Combat Factor of +4, whereas that of a leading Elite Muskets unit and Militia Muskets behind would be a basic +4.
When an Attack Column is ‘beaten by double or more’ in Close Combat, then both units of the involved Attack Column are destroyed, not if as a result of recoiling. The French were the best at Attack Columns between the period of 1805 to 1812, this is reflected in the rules by giving French Attack columns an extra +1 in Close Combat.
'beaten by double' has replaced 'Destroyed'.
In Appendix A, insert for Austrians:
Rule 11.14
Attack Column Formation. Gives -1 to dice throw
in 1809 only.
This is an Optional Rule and reflects the new Austrian tactic, developed for 1809 by Arch Duke Charles of 'Mass Column' as a defence against cavalry when infantry are in the Attack. This tactic fell out of favour when Charles retired at the end of 1809.
Austrian Cavalry was of a consistent good quality and well disciplined, but had no Elite class Cavalry.
Therefore as a Points Game Rule, insert into Appendix A : one in three Austrian LC are Superior from 1800-14.
Rule Clarification. 7.6 Movement in Bad Going . insert 'in Bad Going' after the words 'However Formations'
This clarification is made with thanks to our Spanish wargame friends.
For something a little different. A new Seven Years War DBN Rule Supplement has been added to this site, as a free download. To be found in the 'Free Download' page.
This supplement can be easily added to for any 18th Century war. The rules have been created in the classic 'KISR' style.
For something a little different. A new Seven Years War DBN Rule Supplement has been added to this site, as a free download. To be found in the 'Free Download' page.
This supplement can be easily added to for any 18th Century war. The rules have been created in the classic 'KISR' style.
From today an updated DBN Quick Reference Sheet (DBN QRS) has been produced.
It is the same as the previous version, no change to the rules, but a slightly simpler presentation of the Basic Combat Factors. This is now included in the DBN v 2.1 2022 (Download and Hard Copy) A free copy of this is available in ‘Free Downloads’
Also, Free for New Year! DBN Salamanca 1812 Scenario (as used with the latest DBN YouTube video) Available in Free Downloads.
From today an updated DBN Quick Reference Sheet (DBN QRS) has been produced.
It is the same as the previous version, no change to the rules, but a slightly simpler presentation of the Basic Combat Factors. This is now included in the DBN v 2.1 2022 (Download and Hard Copy) A free copy of this is available in ‘Free Downloads’
Also, Free for New Year! DBN Salamanca 1812 Scenario (as used with the latest DBN YouTube video) Available in Free Downloads.
The Free Download scenario 'Liebertwolkwitz 1813 has been updated from its original dated from 2008
The Free Download scenario 'Liebertwolkwitz 1813 has been updated from its original dated from 2008
Unit Casualty Markers. Over the years I have made approximately 130 individual casualty counters (you might of seen them on some of my videos). These counters/markers are very much a gamers option and have nothing to do with the DBN rules. I like using them, they are used during the DBN game when a unit is destroyed and removed from play. They are placed on the battlefield to 'tell the story' of the ongoing battle and add extra 'feel' and interest to the Napoleonic battle. I have now photographed them and made them available to you as a download. They are available to download from 'Rules and Scenarios' they cost $5 and includes all the main nations (French, Austrian, British & Allies, Prussian, Russian) including Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery of all nations and all the specialist units (Cuirassiers, Jagers, Grenzer, Grenadiers, Guards, etc) The document is not a pdf so you can edit the page to suite your requirements, however they are set to units of a 40mm frontage. I would recommend printing them out onto paper or thin card (not glossy) These printed counters are probably better than my actual counters because they will not interfere with the movement of play. I hope you find this of interest, I intend to produce a short supporting video. Regards Alex
Unit Casualty Markers. Over the years I have made approximately 130 individual casualty counters (you might of seen them on some of my videos). These counters/markers are very much a gamers option and have nothing to do with the DBN rules. I like using them, they are used during the DBN game when a unit is destroyed and removed from play. They are placed on the battlefield to 'tell the story' of the ongoing battle and add extra 'feel' and interest to the Napoleonic battle. I have now photographed them and made them available to you as a download. They are available to download from 'Rules and Scenarios' they cost $5 and includes all the main nations (French, Austrian, British & Allies, Prussian, Russian) including Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery of all nations and all the specialist units (Cuirassiers, Jagers, Grenzer, Grenadiers, Guards, etc) The document is not a pdf so you can edit the page to suite your requirements, however they are set to units of a 40mm frontage. I would recommend printing them out onto paper or thin card (not glossy) These printed counters are probably better than my actual counters because they will not interfere with the movement of play. I hope you find this of interest, I intend to produce a short supporting video. Regards Alex
Change to Combat Class of an Attack Column Rule 8.22 is now amended. The Class of the lead unit of an Attack Column is now used with exceptions. This simple amendment better reflects the historical tactic of carefully mixing the quality of troops to get the best result, used by the thinking Napoleonic Commanders. Please amend your rules or ‘cut and paste’.
8.22 Attack Column Factors. Both Units in the Attack Column must be of the same nation but may be of different classes. The class of the lead unit is used for the Attack Column Combat Factor, however this can only be one higher than its support, e.g. an Attack Column composed of a lead unit of Regular Muskets and a unit of Militia Muskets behind has a basic Combat Factor of +4, whereas that of a leading Elite Muskets unit and Militia Muskets behind would be a basic +4. When an Attack Column is classed as ‘Destroyed’ from a Close Combat test result then both units of the involved Attack Column are destroyed, not if as a result of recoiling. The French were the best at Attack Columns between the period of 1805 to 1812, this is reflected in the rules by giving French Attack columns an extra +1 in Close Combat.
8.22 Attack Column Factors. Both Units in the Attack Column must be of the same nation but may be of different classes. The class of the lead unit is used for the Attack Column Combat Factor, however this can only be one higher than its support, e.g. an Attack Column composed of a lead unit of Regular Muskets and a unit of Militia Muskets behind has a basic Combat Factor of +4, whereas that of a leading Elite Muskets unit and Militia Muskets behind would be a basic +4. When an Attack Column is classed as ‘Destroyed’ from a Close Combat test result then both units of the involved Attack Column are destroyed, not if as a result of recoiling. The French were the best at Attack Columns between the period of 1805 to 1812, this is reflected in the rules by giving French Attack columns an extra +1 in Close Combat.
DBN is live, growing in popularity and doing well. To add more clarity to the DBN Firing procedure, the last sentence on rule 8.3 has been replaced to read as follows:
8.3 Definition. Firing represents long range volley fire, skirmish fire and medium to long range artillery fire. Any Units who are able to do so may Fire once in both sides Bounds with the player whose Bound it is deciding the order in which his Units will fire and at whom. However all Units, except Artillery outside of 300paces, must if possible, Fire at or Fire in Support at the nearest enemy unit. The nearest Firing Unit will be the ‘Firer’ all others must ‘Fire Support’.
Please feel free to 'copy, cut & paste' into your DBN rule book.
DBN is live, growing in popularity and doing well. To add more clarity to the DBN Firing procedure, the last sentence on rule 8.3 has been replaced to read as follows:
8.3 Definition. Firing represents long range volley fire, skirmish fire and medium to long range artillery fire. Any Units who are able to do so may Fire once in both sides Bounds with the player whose Bound it is deciding the order in which his Units will fire and at whom. However all Units, except Artillery outside of 300paces, must if possible, Fire at or Fire in Support at the nearest enemy unit. The nearest Firing Unit will be the ‘Firer’ all others must ‘Fire Support’.
Please feel free to 'copy, cut & paste' into your DBN rule book.
Due to recent research, the DBN Army List for Prussia 1794-1806 has been reviewed and amended.
Historically the Prussian army of the time had very few Light Infantry and those that they did have (Fusiliers and Jaeger's) were always brigaded together. Note: this army will be for 13 points. Copy, cut and paste.
Prussian, 1794-1806, 1-2xMs(E) (Guards & Combined Grenadier Bns), 4-8xMs,
1xLI (Fusiliers), 0-1xJg(must initially deploy attached to the LI),
1-2xLC*, 1-2xHC, 1-2xNA, 1xFA(M) (Massed battalion guns), Saxon Allies:
0-4xMs(M), 0-1xMs (Combined Gren Bns),0-1xHC(E), 0-2xLC*, 0-1xFA(M).
(Saxon Ms have same Characteristics as Prussian Ms except one class lower)
Due to popular requests. In 'Free Downloads' is an 'example sheet' with picture of Multiple Unit Combat.
Due to recent research, the DBN Army List for Prussia 1794-1806 has been reviewed and amended.
Historically the Prussian army of the time had very few Light Infantry and those that they did have (Fusiliers and Jaeger's) were always brigaded together. Note: this army will be for 13 points. Copy, cut and paste.
Prussian, 1794-1806, 1-2xMs(E) (Guards & Combined Grenadier Bns), 4-8xMs,
1xLI (Fusiliers), 0-1xJg(must initially deploy attached to the LI),
1-2xLC*, 1-2xHC, 1-2xNA, 1xFA(M) (Massed battalion guns), Saxon Allies:
0-4xMs(M), 0-1xMs (Combined Gren Bns),0-1xHC(E), 0-2xLC*, 0-1xFA(M).
(Saxon Ms have same Characteristics as Prussian Ms except one class lower)
Due to popular requests. In 'Free Downloads' is an 'example sheet' with picture of Multiple Unit Combat.
This minor rule clarification has been made because of the growing popularity of DBN, resulting in more specific questions on the details of 'multiple combat firing' Combat examples will be added in due course.
8.3 Definition. Firing represents long range volley fire, skirmish fire and medium to long range artillery fire. Any Units who are able to do so may fire once in both sides Bounds with the player whose Bound it is deciding the order in which his Units will fire and at whom. However all Units, except Artillery outside of 300paces, must if possible, Fire at or Fire in Support at the nearest enemy unit. A ‘Supporting Unit’ is to be further away from the target than the ‘Firing Unit’.
A new hard copy version of DBN is now available direct from the editors.
The book is glossy covered, ring bound, including 6 colour pictures and a separate back to back QRS.
Contact Alex via this web site Contact Form. You must provide your postal address. The cost including postage is £15 for UK or £16.50 for rest of Europe or £20 for US and outside of Europe . Anyone who has purchased a DBN v2.1 Download or hard copy within the last 6 month will get the cost of the book at half price + postage. (£9 or £10.50 or £14) Check out the promotion video on Youtube.
The Free Download Scenario 'Quatre Bras 1815' has been amended to reflect the latest research into the 'arrival times' of the French & Allied reinforcements.
Minor 2020 updates have been made to the 'Free Download' Quatre Bras 1815 Scenario and the 'To Pay Downloads' Borodino 1812, Waterloo 1815, Fleet Action, American War of Independence, Colonial, Rommel's Battles and DBACW.
These are the first updates to these documents in at least 5 years.
Tough times for everyone at the moment, we hope all our wargame friends are keeping safe.
Due to several good suggestions from DBN gamers from around the world, we have added this optional rule. (it does add an extra dimension and interest to our cavalry combat)
French Dragoons
The French Dragoons, often referred to as ‘Medium Cavalry’ were used in a unique way. The French Dragoon Regiments, unlike the tactic of other nations, were often brigaded together, into ‘Dragoon Brigades’ and ‘Reserve Dragoon Divisions’. They were trained and used on the battlefield as Reserve Heavy Cavalry. They were seen in the French army as the ‘poor man’s cavalry’ they almost always received the second best in mounts and men, they were not armoured, ‘jack of all trades’ and when on the battlefield were in fact ‘Inferior Heavy Cavalry’. However up to 1813 they were always known for their extra aggression in the attack.
To reflect this on the DBN battlefield, French Dragoon Brigades of 1805–12 & 15 are to be classed as Inferior Heavy Cavalry or HC(I). They move and combat exactly as HC except when verses other HC they suffer an extra -1 to their Combat Factor. Also -1 when verses LC(S). This rule does not apply to the French Guard Dragoons in the same way as it would not apply to the British Heavy Dragoons who both would receive the best available in mounts and men. It also does not apply to other nations because they did not ‘brigade’ together their Dragoon Regiments and use them as a Heavy Reserve. Up to half of French LC on the Army List from 1805 to 1812 and in 1815 can be used as a HC(I).
This minor rule clarification has been made because of the growing popularity of DBN, resulting in more specific questions on the details of 'multiple combat firing' Combat examples will be added in due course.
8.3 Definition. Firing represents long range volley fire, skirmish fire and medium to long range artillery fire. Any Units who are able to do so may fire once in both sides Bounds with the player whose Bound it is deciding the order in which his Units will fire and at whom. However all Units, except Artillery outside of 300paces, must if possible, Fire at or Fire in Support at the nearest enemy unit. A ‘Supporting Unit’ is to be further away from the target than the ‘Firing Unit’.
A new hard copy version of DBN is now available direct from the editors.
The book is glossy covered, ring bound, including 6 colour pictures and a separate back to back QRS.
Contact Alex via this web site Contact Form. You must provide your postal address. The cost including postage is £15 for UK or £16.50 for rest of Europe or £20 for US and outside of Europe . Anyone who has purchased a DBN v2.1 Download or hard copy within the last 6 month will get the cost of the book at half price + postage. (£9 or £10.50 or £14) Check out the promotion video on Youtube.
The Free Download Scenario 'Quatre Bras 1815' has been amended to reflect the latest research into the 'arrival times' of the French & Allied reinforcements.
Minor 2020 updates have been made to the 'Free Download' Quatre Bras 1815 Scenario and the 'To Pay Downloads' Borodino 1812, Waterloo 1815, Fleet Action, American War of Independence, Colonial, Rommel's Battles and DBACW.
These are the first updates to these documents in at least 5 years.
Tough times for everyone at the moment, we hope all our wargame friends are keeping safe.
Due to several good suggestions from DBN gamers from around the world, we have added this optional rule. (it does add an extra dimension and interest to our cavalry combat)
French Dragoons
The French Dragoons, often referred to as ‘Medium Cavalry’ were used in a unique way. The French Dragoon Regiments, unlike the tactic of other nations, were often brigaded together, into ‘Dragoon Brigades’ and ‘Reserve Dragoon Divisions’. They were trained and used on the battlefield as Reserve Heavy Cavalry. They were seen in the French army as the ‘poor man’s cavalry’ they almost always received the second best in mounts and men, they were not armoured, ‘jack of all trades’ and when on the battlefield were in fact ‘Inferior Heavy Cavalry’. However up to 1813 they were always known for their extra aggression in the attack.
To reflect this on the DBN battlefield, French Dragoon Brigades of 1805–12 & 15 are to be classed as Inferior Heavy Cavalry or HC(I). They move and combat exactly as HC except when verses other HC they suffer an extra -1 to their Combat Factor. Also -1 when verses LC(S). This rule does not apply to the French Guard Dragoons in the same way as it would not apply to the British Heavy Dragoons who both would receive the best available in mounts and men. It also does not apply to other nations because they did not ‘brigade’ together their Dragoon Regiments and use them as a Heavy Reserve. Up to half of French LC on the Army List from 1805 to 1812 and in 1815 can be used as a HC(I).
Alex is organising another refight of the Battle of Leipzig 1813 (the whole battlefield) with more than 205 DBN combat units. The refight will be run in Scarborough, Yorkshire, UK on the 4th to the 6th October 2019. Anyone interest then contact Alex who can also organise good accommodation.
New Advanced Optional Rule
11.26 French Dragoons
The French Dragoons, often referred to as ‘Medium Cavalry’ were used in a quite unique way. The Dragoon Regiments were invariable brigaded together, unlike the tactic of other nations, into ‘Dragoon Brigades’ and ‘Reserve Dragoon Divisions’ and were trained and used on the battlefield as Reserve Heavy Cavalry. They were seen in the French army as the ‘poor man’s cavalry’ they almost always received the second best in mounts and men, they were not armoured, ‘jack of all trades’ and were in fact ‘Inferior Heavy Cavalry’ when on the battlefield. However they were always known for their aggression in the attack. To reflect this on the DBN battlefield, French Dragoon Brigades are to be classed as Inferior Heavy Cavalry or HC(I). They move and combat exactly as HC except when verses other HC they suffer an extra -1 to their Combat Factor. This rule does not apply to the French Guard Dragoons in the same way as it would not apply to the British Heavy Dragoons who both would receive the best available in mounts and men. It also does not apply to other nations because they did not ‘brigade’ together their Dragoon Regiments and use them as a Heavy Reserve. Any French LC on the Army List from 1805 can be used as a HC(I).
11.25 Artillery Setting Fire to Buildings
This did happen on the historical battlefield therefore it should be possible on the DBN battlefield.
In dry weather, in the Fire Phase, artillery units can choose to carry out ‘Incendiary Fire’ against, BUA’s, NLF’s and Strongpoints. The standard Firing rules apply, except no ‘Firing Combat’ takes place; instead 1 x D6 is thrown for each artillery unit, if a ‘6’ is scored a small fire is started. More than one fire can be attempted and started at a time. Immediately following and in the same Combat Phase, the occupants can attempt to put out the fire by throwing 1 x D6: ‘3 or More’ and the fire is out, or ‘5 & 6’ and fire is out if the occupants are engaged in any combat. Up to 2 attempts can be made (one per turn) to put out the fire. If the fire is not put out then after 4 Turns a BUA cannot be occupied, 3 Turns for a NLF and 2 Turns for a Strongpoint. No unit can come within 100paces of a fully burning BUA, NLF or Strongpoint. No Victory Conditions can be gained from setting fire to buildings.
Alex is organising another refight of the Battle of Leipzig 1813 (the whole battlefield) with more than 205 DBN combat units. The refight will be run in Scarborough, Yorkshire, UK on the 4th to the 6th October 2019. Anyone interest then contact Alex who can also organise good accommodation.
New Advanced Optional Rule
11.26 French Dragoons
The French Dragoons, often referred to as ‘Medium Cavalry’ were used in a quite unique way. The Dragoon Regiments were invariable brigaded together, unlike the tactic of other nations, into ‘Dragoon Brigades’ and ‘Reserve Dragoon Divisions’ and were trained and used on the battlefield as Reserve Heavy Cavalry. They were seen in the French army as the ‘poor man’s cavalry’ they almost always received the second best in mounts and men, they were not armoured, ‘jack of all trades’ and were in fact ‘Inferior Heavy Cavalry’ when on the battlefield. However they were always known for their aggression in the attack. To reflect this on the DBN battlefield, French Dragoon Brigades are to be classed as Inferior Heavy Cavalry or HC(I). They move and combat exactly as HC except when verses other HC they suffer an extra -1 to their Combat Factor. This rule does not apply to the French Guard Dragoons in the same way as it would not apply to the British Heavy Dragoons who both would receive the best available in mounts and men. It also does not apply to other nations because they did not ‘brigade’ together their Dragoon Regiments and use them as a Heavy Reserve. Any French LC on the Army List from 1805 can be used as a HC(I).
11.25 Artillery Setting Fire to Buildings
This did happen on the historical battlefield therefore it should be possible on the DBN battlefield.
In dry weather, in the Fire Phase, artillery units can choose to carry out ‘Incendiary Fire’ against, BUA’s, NLF’s and Strongpoints. The standard Firing rules apply, except no ‘Firing Combat’ takes place; instead 1 x D6 is thrown for each artillery unit, if a ‘6’ is scored a small fire is started. More than one fire can be attempted and started at a time. Immediately following and in the same Combat Phase, the occupants can attempt to put out the fire by throwing 1 x D6: ‘3 or More’ and the fire is out, or ‘5 & 6’ and fire is out if the occupants are engaged in any combat. Up to 2 attempts can be made (one per turn) to put out the fire. If the fire is not put out then after 4 Turns a BUA cannot be occupied, 3 Turns for a NLF and 2 Turns for a Strongpoint. No unit can come within 100paces of a fully burning BUA, NLF or Strongpoint. No Victory Conditions can be gained from setting fire to buildings.
Check out our latest DBN Video uploaded today 'DBN 24 Point Game'
Check out our latest DBN Video uploaded today 'DBN 24 Point Game'
Probably for the first time, nothing has been added or taken away in DBN this year. DBN is doing well, we anticipate very few if any changes in the future for DBN. However we have added another 'free download' scenario The Battle for Hal 1815, this is a small 'what if' scenario and plays very well. Also check out our 2 new videos at our Youtube channel..
Rule Amendments for DBN 2018 DBN continues to be a 'living document' therefore we have added a few small amendments or rule additions which are included within the shown existing rule paragraphs.
(This first amendment will speed up the advance to contact, it allows for tactical movement ‘no closer than 600paces’ instead of ‘outside of 600paces’)
7.7 Successive Tactical Moves (STM). Normally Units may only move up to their maximum permitted distance in each Bound, but under certain circumstances, and providing the Unit or Formation moves no closer than 600 Paces from any enemy, then STM’s may be made as follows:
(This is a rule addition and allows artillery to move more historically correct)
7.12 Retiring Movement. A Unit may retire (move backwards away from the current position of its front edge). To do this and remain as a formed body involved a relatively complex series of drill movements for all units except artillery. To reflect this, all regular movement rates are reduced by 100paces, this movement penalty does not apply to Artillery Units and Commanders.
(This rules adds historically correct extra flexibility to the Ms/LI unit when moving into or out of a BUA/NLF)
11.2.2 Superior Light Infantry (Ms/LI). These are a special category of Light Infantry and include only French Legere 1805–12 & 15 (By 1813 the French ‘Legere’ were not as well trained, and so are not classed as Superior), British Light Infantry Battalions from 1809 and the long established Prussian regular infantry regiments who were by 1815 also trained to operate in a Light Infantry role. Superior Light Infantry were able to operate as either Muskets or Light Infantry and as such were highly trained, well-motivated and self assured units that were comfortable in either Close or Loose Order. Although most other nation’s Light Infantry could also operate in Close Order they were never that comfortable in this role and are therefore not classed as Superior. The change to Muskets, or visa versa, happens during the Movement phase of their side’s Bound at a cost of 1 CAP, provided that they are more than 400 Paces from any enemy and take no other action in that Bound. Ms/LI can also immediately change their order when moving into or out of a BUA,NLF or Bad Going.
We hope you like and enjoy the changes, regards Alex & Bob
Rule Amendments for DBACW 2018
(this amendment reflects the same amendment in DBN)
Second or Subsequent Tactical (SST) Moves. All units can make SST moves in any turn providing they don’t move within 600 paces from any enemy units. Columns and single units may make 2 SST moves but only 1 SST when a Formation is in line. On completion of a ‘Tactical Move’ Cavalry may dismount free of cost. Horse Artillery may not fire if it has made a ‘Tactical Move’.
Probably for the first time, nothing has been added or taken away in DBN this year. DBN is doing well, we anticipate very few if any changes in the future for DBN. However we have added another 'free download' scenario The Battle for Hal 1815, this is a small 'what if' scenario and plays very well. Also check out our 2 new videos at our Youtube channel..
Rule Amendments for DBN 2018 DBN continues to be a 'living document' therefore we have added a few small amendments or rule additions which are included within the shown existing rule paragraphs.
(This first amendment will speed up the advance to contact, it allows for tactical movement ‘no closer than 600paces’ instead of ‘outside of 600paces’)
7.7 Successive Tactical Moves (STM). Normally Units may only move up to their maximum permitted distance in each Bound, but under certain circumstances, and providing the Unit or Formation moves no closer than 600 Paces from any enemy, then STM’s may be made as follows:
(This is a rule addition and allows artillery to move more historically correct)
7.12 Retiring Movement. A Unit may retire (move backwards away from the current position of its front edge). To do this and remain as a formed body involved a relatively complex series of drill movements for all units except artillery. To reflect this, all regular movement rates are reduced by 100paces, this movement penalty does not apply to Artillery Units and Commanders.
(This rules adds historically correct extra flexibility to the Ms/LI unit when moving into or out of a BUA/NLF)
11.2.2 Superior Light Infantry (Ms/LI). These are a special category of Light Infantry and include only French Legere 1805–12 & 15 (By 1813 the French ‘Legere’ were not as well trained, and so are not classed as Superior), British Light Infantry Battalions from 1809 and the long established Prussian regular infantry regiments who were by 1815 also trained to operate in a Light Infantry role. Superior Light Infantry were able to operate as either Muskets or Light Infantry and as such were highly trained, well-motivated and self assured units that were comfortable in either Close or Loose Order. Although most other nation’s Light Infantry could also operate in Close Order they were never that comfortable in this role and are therefore not classed as Superior. The change to Muskets, or visa versa, happens during the Movement phase of their side’s Bound at a cost of 1 CAP, provided that they are more than 400 Paces from any enemy and take no other action in that Bound. Ms/LI can also immediately change their order when moving into or out of a BUA,NLF or Bad Going.
We hope you like and enjoy the changes, regards Alex & Bob
Rule Amendments for DBACW 2018
(this amendment reflects the same amendment in DBN)
Second or Subsequent Tactical (SST) Moves. All units can make SST moves in any turn providing they don’t move within 600 paces from any enemy units. Columns and single units may make 2 SST moves but only 1 SST when a Formation is in line. On completion of a ‘Tactical Move’ Cavalry may dismount free of cost. Horse Artillery may not fire if it has made a ‘Tactical Move’.
20/04/2017 |
An overview with pictures of the new rules DBWW1(ME) is available to view in 'Other KISR Rules'
A new set of stand-alone rules DB World War 1 (Middle East) are available for sale on the Rules and Scenarios page. A Front Cover is also available on the Free Downloads page. More information to follow in the coming days.
12/12/2016 A new hard copy of DBN (2017 version) is available, with a glossy cover, several colour pages and
a separate card Quick Reference Sheet. Ordered direct from Alex Testo at £12 + £3 p&p
or $15 + $10 p&p if not UK. Pay via paypal or contact Alex via email.
a separate card Quick Reference Sheet. Ordered direct from Alex Testo at £12 + £3 p&p
or $15 + $10 p&p if not UK. Pay via paypal or contact Alex via email.
01/12/2016 Minor amendments have been made to DBN 2.1 and the 2017 version is now available.
The 2017 amendments are as follows
2017 Rule Additions & Amendments
8.1 Insert:
The Combat Phase covers a period of time not an exact time. Therefore unless otherwise stated, the Combat circumstances are based on the situation ‘at the moment’ not as it was earlier in the Phase.
8.18 Amend:
If a unit is in contact with an enemy unit but not facing it, then at the start of its move phase it can move away or must ‘turn & attack’ at no CAP cost.
8.21 Add:
Units Garrisoning a BUA or Occupying a NLF cannot initiate Close Combat.
A free download of the Scenario for the Battle of Vitoria 1813 has been added to the Free Downloads page
The 2017 amendments are as follows
2017 Rule Additions & Amendments
8.1 Insert:
The Combat Phase covers a period of time not an exact time. Therefore unless otherwise stated, the Combat circumstances are based on the situation ‘at the moment’ not as it was earlier in the Phase.
8.18 Amend:
If a unit is in contact with an enemy unit but not facing it, then at the start of its move phase it can move away or must ‘turn & attack’ at no CAP cost.
8.21 Add:
Units Garrisoning a BUA or Occupying a NLF cannot initiate Close Combat.
A free download of the Scenario for the Battle of Vitoria 1813 has been added to the Free Downloads page
23/01/2016 There are no new amendments or additions planned for DBN this year.
A selection of pictures from our recent Leipzig game have been added to the 'Photo Gallery'
and there is a new scenario 'Battle of Barosa 1811' in 'Free Downloads'
12/03/2015 New Waterloo video uploaded to the Youtube Channel, check it out HERE
A selection of pictures from our recent Leipzig game have been added to the 'Photo Gallery'
and there is a new scenario 'Battle of Barosa 1811' in 'Free Downloads'
12/03/2015 New Waterloo video uploaded to the Youtube Channel, check it out HERE
29/01/2015 DBN has been 'added to' extra optional rules have been included in the 2015
version, which is now available.
All the 2015 rule additions are available as a 'free download'.
A further refined version of the Waterloo Scenario and enlarged Map is now
available to purchase.
15/12/2014 New DBN Optional Rules coming soon for 2015, watch this space.
version, which is now available.
All the 2015 rule additions are available as a 'free download'.
A further refined version of the Waterloo Scenario and enlarged Map is now
available to purchase.
15/12/2014 New DBN Optional Rules coming soon for 2015, watch this space.
16/02/2014 |
A Franco Prussian War Quick Reference Sheet has been produced and play tested, entitled 'DBFPW'. Army Lists and Special rules are also attached. This is available as a free download from the 'Free Downloads' page.
10/12/2013 |
To obtain the free updates for DBN 2014, visit free downloads.
The full 3 day battle of Gettysburg has recently been fought using DBACW, go to YouTube and tap in Gettysburg DBACW to see the wargame battle.
Based on the work done for the Gettysburg wargame a new updated version of DBACW will be available shortly. This version will be known as 'Version Gettysburg 2013' and will include the Army Lists and Special Rules for the battle. |
04/04/2013 |
New Pictures added to the Photo Gallery.
08/03/2013 |
DBACW Playsheet. Following recent play testing, the playsheet has been updated to make play easier and quicker. The latest version is to be found on "Free Downloads".
23/01/2013 |
The 2013 version of DBN 2.1 is now available in 'Rules and Scenarios'.
Anyone who has purchased a download of DBN within the last six months can contact the authors for a free download of DBN v 2.1 (2013) The 2013 version replaces the 2012 version. 2013 version includes all rule additions included on this page since 17/02/12, plus the following 2013 rule additions and amendments: 5.6.7 Insert the following : They are Impassable to Artillery and Baggage, present no obstacle to Skirmishing Infantry and are classed as Bad Going for movement purposes for all others (vineyards do not provide Cover). Add the following sentence: An Attack Column can only move either straight ahead or wheel to right or left and can not wheel more than 45 Degrees in one Turn. 11.4.1 Replace the sentence with the following: (Supporting units may also ‘follow up’ in accordance with rule 7.19.2, also at this time, as a special movement an Attack Column may move its lead unit independently into Close Combat and at the same time move the second unit into the space vacated by the lead unit) 8.24 Add the following sentence: Any Combat inside a BUA or a NLF is classed as in Bad Going (because the Defender would not be ‘Garrisoning’ the BUA or ‘Occupying’ the NLF). A unit wishing to attack a unit inside a BUA (not garrisoning) must move fully inside the BUA to be classed as in Close Combat. Units inside a BUA do not have a ‘Flank’ for combat purposes. A unit inside a BUA that is Recoiled as a result of combat is recoiled back to outside of the BUA. |
22/01/2013 |
Check out 'DBN Waterloo' and 'DBN Borodino' on youtube.
The scenario used for the Borodino battle is an enhanced version of the original Borodino Scenario and the updated version is now available in 'Rules and Scenarios' |
15/12/2012 |
The Battle of New Orleans 1815, this great little scenario was originally published in DBN v1 and is now offered to you as a Christmas Free Download. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Alex & Bob of KISR Publications.
05/11/2012 |
To aid gamers play, the DBN 2.1 Advanced Optional Tests have been combined into one 'Quick Reference Sheet' this is now available in 'Free downloads' This can be copied, cut in half and stuck back to back to produce an easy to use extra Quick Reference Sheet.
03/10/2012 |
New Optional Rule for DBN
10.8 Casualty Reduced Command & Control. A Commander suffers a -1 to his CAP Rating when his command is reduced to 5 or less combat units. This rule reflects the loss of Staff Officers, commanders and battle fatigue. |
27/04/2012 |
The Albuera 1811 Scenario in Free Downloads has been updated including the addition of the Loyal Lusitanian Legion. Also the Waterloo Map and Scenario has been updated to include many sunken roads not on the original map, more specific rules for the 'ridge line' and the optional addition of 'Detachments'
27/04/2012 |
Increased size of BUA and NLF’sAfter much thought and debate it has been decided to increase the area size of the BUA and NLF. We decided to do this for the following reasons:
5.6.2 : Change 80mm to read 100mm. 5.6.3 : Change 40mm x 60mm to read 60mm x 80mm. 7.10 : On the last line of this paragraph, delete the sentence ‘ if in a BUA’. 7.17 : After the sentence ‘occupying infantry unit’ add the following sentence ‘makes a free move to the centre of the BUA and’ Replace 7.18 with the following: 7.18 Occupying a Non Linear Fortification (NLF). An NLF is easier to occupy than a BUA, therefore a unit must move fully inside the NLF in one Turn but can not fire out (as per 7.10). In its next Turn it is then considered to of ‘Occupied’ the NLF for Firing and all Combat. NLF can be vacated in the same way as a BUA using a normal Tactical Move. Any Infantry and Guerrillas may Occupy a NLF but the latter may only do so if the NLF is connected to Bad Going. 8.24 : At the end of the Paragraph, add the following sentence: Any combat inside of a BUA or NLF is classed as in Bad Going. (because the Defender would not be ‘Garrisoning’ the BUA or ‘Occupying’ the NLF) The Strong Point stays the same size. These rules are added to the download version 2.1 (April 2012). Anyone who has purchased the DBN rules as a download within the last month can receive a free download (April 2012) by contacting Alex. |
19/03/2012 |
A few new pictures from a DBN Big Battle and a DBACW Big Battle
17/02/2012 |
DBN v2.1 (2012 edition) is now available in special downloads, for anyone with the previous versions, you can download all the amendments for the 2012 from free downloads.New DBACW Quick reference sheet available in free downloads.
New rules available for DB Fleet Action in special downloads. Go to Other KISR Rules for an overview of DB Fleet Action (DBFA) |
20/12/2011 |
Check out You Tube and 'DBN Big Battle'
28/08/2011 |
DBACW - Replace the following paragraph in MORAL :
A ‘Badly Shaken’ unit that has a Shaken counter removed becomes ‘Shaken’ no unit can go from ‘Badly Shaken’ to un shaken, at best it remains ‘Shaken’ for the remainder of the battle. A unit that has had a ‘Shaken Counter’ removed can also fire and for the cost of a second CAP it can also move in the same turn. However, a unit that stays ‘Badly Shaken’ can neither move nor fire nor Support in that turn. |
19/06/2011 |
This is the first ever rule amendment to these very successful rules. Check out 'FREE DOWN LOADS' for a new DBACW Quick Reference Play Sheet (contains minor modifications from original) The following is the amended 'Moral Rule' (the main change is that a 'badly shaken' unit can not become 'unshaken' in one game turn). MORALE The troops in this war were not as rigidly disciplined as in previous wars and maintaining the motivation and morale of the ‘battle line’ was a crucial and more personal feature. Therefore this rule has been introduced to simulate this particular ‘feel and spirit’ of this unique war. A unit that is ‘Recoiled’ becomes ‘Shaken’ which, if ‘Recoiled’ whilst still ‘Shaken’, becomes ‘Badly Shaken’. ‘Shaken’ or ‘Badly Shaken’ is represented by counters or by casualty figures placed next to the affected unit. Any troops, other than (V), which are ‘Recoiled’ as a result of those in front being ‘Recoiled’ are also affected. A ‘Badly Shaken’ unit is destroyed if recoiled. Subject to the Command Radius rules it costs 1 CAP to remove a ‘Shaken’ counter. A ‘Badly Shaken’ unit that has a Shaken counter removed becomes ‘Shaken’ no unit can go from ‘Badly Shaken’ to un shaken in one turn. A unit that has had a ‘Shaken Counter’ removed can also fire and for the cost of a second CAP it can also move in the same turn. However, a unit that stays ‘Badly Shaken’ can neither move nor fire nor Support in that turn. Brigade Commanders can only remove Shaken counters in proportion to their command capabilities, i.e. a Poor General can only remove 1 ‘shaken’ counter per turn, an Average 2 and a Good 3. It costs a CinCs 1 CAP to remove ‘shaken’ counters from brigade units that are within 300 paces. A Brigade that has lost its Commander can only be moved by the CinC at the usual CAP cost, it can of course fire and defend itself in Close Combat. An attempt to create a new Brigade Commander can be made once per turn by the CinC. This costs 1 CAP and then for success a D6 score of 5 or 6 is required, then a new Commander is created and is always classed as Poor. A Brigade Group must make a Brigade Moral Test if it is reduced to two combat units from four or more or down to one unit if originally two or three. 1 x D6 is thrown at the end of the turn, +1 Veteran, -1 Green, -1 no Commander: 4,5or6 = well led and brave unit/s, it fights on unaffected. 1,2or3 = Shocked by the events, unit/s immediately become Badly Shaken. Optional Rule. Any (R) unit who scores a dice roll of 5 or 6 and repulses or destroys its attacker in its first Combat, be it Close Combat or Distance Shooting, is immediately upgraded to (E) for the rest of the game. |
18/03/2011 |
Add the following to DBN 2.1 (it is included in version October 2010):11.5 Breakthrough Results. If the Breakthrough Unit moves into Close Combat the Close Combat is immediately resolved and if the Breakthrough Unit is ‘Impetuous’ it fights as ‘Militia’ for that Bound of Close Combat; there is never a second round of Breakthrough. A Unit or Attack Column that has become ‘Impetuous’ remains as ‘Militia’ until its following Movement Bound. Then the unit is unable to move into Close Combat until it remains stationary and is not involved with Combat for one full turn then the Militia status is removed.
28/10/2010 |
The latest version, DBN 2.1 (October 2010) is now available as the Special Download
the difference between 2009 and 2010 is that it contains the following rule additions and updates.Replace 7.19.2 with the following 7.19.2 Pursuit and Support Follow Up. All Attack Columns, all Heavy Cavalry, all British Cavalry (except KGL) and all Irregular Cavalry who are victorious in Close Combat must Pursue for 1 base depth. All other Mounted who are victorious may also Pursue. Mounted units that have provided ‘Support’ to a victorious Mounted unit may also ‘Follow up’ providing it maintains its position alongside the victorious unit. A victorious Unit of Infantry attacking BUA or Fortifications must ‘follow up’ and occupy the ground previously held by the enemy. If the Infantry are in an Attack Column the lead Unit occupies the objective and the second Unit must move up to and remain facing the side through which they attacked until the next Bound, unless subsequently attacked themselves. Any other subsequent Units who may also be following immediately behind the Attack Column may either ‘Follow Up’ or remain stationary. An Infantry unit Supporting a victorious Attack Column in Close Combat may also ‘follow up’ providing it maintains its position alongside the victorious Attack Column.Replace 11.4 with the following: 11.4 Breakthrough Procedure. Whenever an Attack Column or Cavalry Unit in Good Going destroys their opponents in Close Combat a D6 is thrown, modified by: -2 if Militia or British Cavalry, +1 if Infantry Column includes Elites or +1 if Guard Cavalry(see pg 37). Results as follows: 11.4.1 A final score of 3 to 6 is ‘Controlled Breakthrough’ and the Unit can do one of the following:
11.4.2 A final score of 2 or less is ‘Impetuous Breakthrough’ and the Unit must, unsupported immediately move either into Close Combat with the nearest enemy Unit that is within its maximum permitted movement distance, or if not, it must Move its maximum permitted movement distance straight ahead. 11.17 Field Detachments. Field Detachments (Dets) are created by detaching a ‘one Hit’ strength unit from any sponsoring Ms or LI unit except no (M) class. These are Battalion strength infantry detachments of 600-800 troops and are represented on the game table by a single infantry figure. This action costs 1 x CAP, the donating (parent) unit must spend the turn stationary to create the Det and has a ‘Hit Marker’ placed on the parent unit. The created Det is placed adjacent to the parent unit in any terrain feature or to occupy a NLF. Dets once detached can not move and if they take a Hit they are Destroyed. Dets have a Basic adjustable Combat Factor of 2 and the Firing Range and combat class of their parent unit. Dets can Garrison a Strongpoint (see rule 11.11) but not a BUA. Dets can be supported but can not ‘Support’. Designers notes – This is an optional rule to be used with the Attrition System. It has been created to give the experienced game player further tactical options as well as creating an additional interesting dimension to the DBN battle. The value and use of a Det will depend on the situation and the player will decide, however the player will discover that LI units and in particular LI(E) units will provide the best value Dets. |